It's Frightening is laughing with ripe rhythm and is breaking out a new talent to look forward to in the future. The White Rabbits bring a new somber tone to the album that was wasn't there from their last, and with only 35 minutes of music there is little room for any filler. Every song is thought out with an underlining devotion to keep the albums concept. Wither or not they succeed is another story.
With two percussionist and four other band members they know how to make a lot of noise. However its the piano that gives the songs their life and when the other instruments come together it allows you to be taken to another place. The first track Percussion Guns starts off with laughter as if we were being pulled into a inside joke by the group. Then quickly rushes into the rhythm of the drums and into the album. The album is fairly entertaining and some highlights are definitely hearing the two sets of drums on Lioness and Percussion Guns. As well as the songs They Done Wrong/We Done Wrong and Company I Keep helps define the band as a force that will make some noise in the industry to come.
The White Rabbits sophomore release produced by Brit Daniels (Spoon) will leave you in a dark but not depressed state of mind. Something I believe Brit definitely had an effect on. Infact there are severel songs that scream out a Daniels influence on the album. However it is fun to see a band striving to make a name for themselves and a footprint into today's music scene.
1. Album as a whole- 15
2. Listen in 7 days- 14
3. Originality- 9
4. Advancement- 15
5. Buyer's remorse- 15
Total Album Rating: 68
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