“I love your long shadows and your gunpowder eyes” may be Rorschachian proof that Neko Case has a dark side (maybe that’s why I like her so much). With a touch of Patsy Cline and a dash of Nancy Sinatra, Case has branded herself as an Alt. Country-Nior, Indie Superstar. Case has been involved with various musical projects (New Pornographers, The Corn Sisters, Moaw) since the 90’s, but it isn’t until her 2nd solo project, Middle Cyclone, that Miss Case hits her stride.
With a voice as beautiful as I may have ever heard, it would be hard to make a bad album (although it is possible, i.e. The Cranberries). The melodic peaks are high and echoing valleys are low on Middle Cyclone. However, don’t be fooled, Case is not a pushover. Neko definitely has a message and she will yell, “I’m a man eater!!” to get her point across (and she does).
Several songs on Middle Cyclone are note worthy. This Tornado Loves You, leads you in with an unusually cheery vibe that almost sinks itself, but is thankfully saved by Neko’s beautiful crescendos. Magpie to the Morning is a tender example of Case’s maturing penmanship. Neko’s powerful voice belting, “Come on sorrow, take your own advice, hide under the bed, turn out the lights” seems to produce courage and strength (as do many of her songs). Neko is her darkest and most haunting on Prison Girls, the album's gem (worth every penny of a 99 cent download).
Middle Cyclone is a great listen with potential to grow. With some collaboration from M. Ward, Case gets a push in the right direction. Although Middle cyclone is not perfect (People Got a Lotta Nerve) and has poorly executed ideas (Marias La Nuit, a 32 minute recording of insects at night), you will find yourself singing and dancing along the way.
1. Ability to listen to album as a whole - 14
2. Probability you will listen to it again within 7 days - 14
3. Originality - 13
4. Advancement - 17
5. Buyer's remorse – 15
total - 73
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