Industrial-star Trent Reznor's (NIN) new band with Mariqueen Maandig (West Indian Girl), and Atticus Ross (Soundtrack to Book of Eli) bring you their first Ep. Maandig (the wife of Reznor) adds a subtle change too the artists new band. Not a whole lot of progression going on in this quick 6 song ep, however does Trent Reznor really need to change his way of music? You'd think that Maandig coming from the band would change the sound just a bit but its not like your going to tell Trent no. Luckily Reznor knows what he wants and just how to get it.
How To Destroy Angels is just another Nine Inch Nails album with a little dash of woman sprinkled on top. Really though there isnt a bad song on the Ep which excites me for their 2011 full-length release. There are only two songs though that should be mentioned BBB was one of them. The fourth song on the free ep has a catchy hook where Mariqueen repeats "listen to the sound of my big black boots." In the back ground you here a vague marching sound that adds to the three minute track. As for the other song A Drowning, the last track on the album shows you that the band has potential to become what we all hope they will, amazing. Though in the song you can hear the distinct touch of Reznor through out, the way Maandig's voice hauntingly creeps through the song adding that edge to push them into the much anticipated albums of 2011.
Synopsis: The bands first ep sounds like the b-sides to the NIN's With Teeth album.
Here is a link to get their ep for free http://howtodestroyangels.com/
Score: 61
1- Listen from start to finish: 15
2- Listen again within a week: 15
3- Originality: 6
4- Advancement:5
5- Buyers Remorse:20 (its free)
1- Listen from start to finish: 15
2- Listen again within a week: 15
3- Originality: 6
4- Advancement:5
5- Buyers Remorse:20 (its free)
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